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Bedroom & Livingroom Wallpapers

Transform a house into a home of your own, personalised with paints and wallpapers available at Anthropologie in designs and shades you love. Dream in print with a wallcovering decorated in feminine florals or mystical creatures as wallpaper for bedrooms and guest suites, matching the charmingly patterned quilt dressing your cosy bed. Keep things chic and simple with rolls in soft, calming shapes as wallpaper for livingroom’s and reading nooks, leaving a clean canvas to showcase a framed piece of art or bohemian-inspired wall tapestry. Whether you’re a more-is-more maximalist who’s looking to turn their living space into a tropical wonderland, or a proud minimalist who admires a timeless aesthetic for their home, we have the range for you. Now you’ve got the walls covered (literally), why not shop our collection of plush rugs to decorate the floor?